CpG interval report generated on 16/07/20 with pycoMeth 0.4.14

Interval details
pvalue rank chromosome start end length number of samples number of CpGs adjusted pvalue
#4 11 27686928 27688355 1427 12 45 5.37047e-55
Methylation log-likelihood ratio by CpG position
Distribution of CpG methylation log-likelihood ratio by sample
Closest transcripts TSS
distance to tss transcript id gene id transcript name chromosome start end strand feature type transcript biotype
-21358 ensorlt00000017935 sorlg00000014304 11 27665570 27671942 + mRNA protein_coding
61015 ensorlt00000017944 sorlg00000014310 med10-201 11 27747147 27749370 - mRNA protein_coding
65156 ensorlt00000034340 sorlg00000025027 11 27750518 27753511 - mRNA protein_coding

Source file: /home/aleg/Programming/Packages/pycoMeth/docs/Comp_Report/data/Medaka_CGI_meth_comp.tsv.gz

MD5 hash: f93dda71505ee953374fab70e1ac5c37