CpG interval report generated on 20/05/20 with pycoMeth 0.4.6

Interval details
pvalue rank chromosome start end length number of samples number of CpGs pvalue adjusted pvalue
#181 5 3606229 3607148 919 3 32 1.76955e-14 9.72272e-13
Methylation log-likelihood ratio by CpG position
Distribution of CpG methylation log-likelihood ratio by sample
Closest transcripts TSS
distance to tss transcript id gene id transcript name chromosome start end strand feature type transcript biotype
-6041 enst00000559410 sg00000259603 ac016595.1-201 5 3596211 3600188 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-10397 enst00000302006 sg00000170549 irx1-201 5 3595832 3601403 + mRNA protein_coding
-70135 enst00000505443 sg00000248118 linc01019-201 5 3417152 3536094 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-74434 enst00000662836 sg00000248118 linc01019-202 5 3357264 3531795 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-102225 enst00000508823 sg00000250716 linc01017-201 5 3496229 3504004 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-153413 enst00000512521 sg00000249830 linc02162-201 5 3452816 3461660 + lnc_RNA lncrna
406501 enst00000513859 sg00000248962 ac025773.1-201 5 4012708 4013649 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-428366 enst00000652864 sg00000249808 ac091832.1-202 5 3177863 3181487 + lnc_RNA lncrna
-428394 enst00000505396 sg00000249808 ac091832.1-201 5 3177835 3181232 + lnc_RNA lncrna
434616 enst00000506305 sg00000249994 ac025187.1-201 5 4033713 4041764 - lnc_RNA lncrna

Source file: /hps/research1/birney/users/adrien/analyses/cancer_DNA_promethion/run_1_2_3_4/DNA_pipeline_2/results/methylation/pycometh_meth_comp_CGI_3/out.tsv.gz

MD5 hash: 9aa0e3f69cb4e12345c3758eb68a5efc