CpG interval report generated on 20/05/20 with pycoMeth 0.4.6

Interval details
pvalue rank chromosome start end length number of samples number of CpGs pvalue adjusted pvalue
#34 6 1392675 1394273 1598 3 56 3.0718e-24 8.985e-22
Methylation log-likelihood ratio by CpG position
Distribution of CpG methylation log-likelihood ratio by sample
Closest transcripts TSS
distance to tss transcript id gene id transcript name chromosome start end strand feature type transcript biotype
-2264 enst00000611664 sg00000275859 mir6720-201 6 1390314 1390411 - miRNA mirna
-3099 enst00000645481 sg00000137273 foxf2-201 6 1389576 1395603 + mRNA protein_coding
-7609 enst00000568244 sg00000261730 al034346.1-201 6 1383790 1385066 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-68653 enst00000627866 sg00000281809 linc01394-201 6 1321698 1324022 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-80577 enst00000296839 sg00000164379 foxq1-201 6 1312098 1314758 + mRNA protein_coding
113049 enst00000466002 sg00000243439 rn7sl352p-201 6 1507322 1507598 + ncRNA misc_rna
121016 enst00000404600 sg00000218027 al512329.1-201 6 1513698 1515289 - pseudogenic_transcript processed_pseudogene
134638 enst00000607350 sg00000272279 al512329.2-201 6 1528364 1528911 - lnc_RNA lncrna
207381 enst00000652712 sg00000280916 foxcut-202 6 1601654 1607354 + lnc_RNA lncrna
211258 enst00000628509 sg00000280916 foxcut-201 6 1605531 1606079 + lnc_RNA lncrna
215642 enst00000645831 sg00000054598 foxc1-201 6 1609915 1613897 + mRNA protein_coding
230467 enst00000476972 sg00000112699 gmds-204 6 1623806 1624740 - lnc_RNA processed_transcript
231228 enst00000467288 sg00000112699 gmds-203 6 1623806 1625501 - lnc_RNA processed_transcript
231915 enst00000486793 sg00000112699 gmds-205 6 1623806 1626188 - lnc_RNA processed_transcript
-281308 enst00000660745 sg00000286324 al033381.3-201 6 1111367 1114329 + lnc_RNA lncrna
-291275 enst00000664781 sg00000286785 linc01622-206 6 998278 1101400 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-291276 enst00000661526 sg00000286785 linc01622-203 6 1096465 1101399 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-291285 enst00000668813 sg00000286785 linc01622-207 6 1029297 1101390 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-291289 enst00000662378 sg00000286785 linc01622-204 6 961000 1101386 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-291294 enst00000663447 sg00000286785 linc01622-205 6 1098829 1101381 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-291303 enst00000655659 sg00000286785 linc01622-202 6 958323 1101372 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-292406 enst00000612554 sg00000286785 linc01622-201 6 958338 1100269 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-312746 enst00000314040 sg00000176515 al033381.1-201 6 1079929 1104946 + lnc_RNA lncrna
332204 enst00000533279 sg00000112699 gmds-210 6 1679172 1726477 - lnc_RNA processed_transcript
-365450 enst00000603854 sg00000270937 al033381.2-201 6 1026494 1027225 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-388955 enst00000669177 sg00000286785 linc01622-208 6 997024 1003720 - lnc_RNA lncrna
-483669 enst00000620188 sg00000276687 al356130.1-201 6 905445 909006 - lnc_RNA lncrna

Source file: /hps/research1/birney/users/adrien/analyses/cancer_DNA_promethion/run_1_2_3_4/DNA_pipeline_2/results/methylation/pycometh_meth_comp_CGI_3/out.tsv.gz

MD5 hash: 9aa0e3f69cb4e12345c3758eb68a5efc