Freq_meth_calculate usage

Calculate methylation frequency at genomic CpG sites from the output of nanopolish call-methylation

Output files format

Freq_meth_calculate can generates 2 files, a standard BED file and a tabulated file containing extra information

BED file

Standard genomic BED6 ( The score correspond to the methylation frequency multiplied by 1000. The file is sorted by coordinates and can be rendered with a genome browser such as IGV

Tabulated TSV file

Contrary to the bed file, in the tabulated report, positions are ordered by decreasing methylation frequency.

The file contains the following fields:

  • chrom / start / end / strand: Genomic coordinates of the motif or group of motifs in case split_group was not selected.
  • site_id: Unique integer identifier of the genomic position.
  • methylated_reads / unmethylated_reads / ambiguous_reads: Number of reads at a given genomic location with a higher likelyhood of being methylated or unmethylated or with an ambiguous methylation call.
  • sequence: -5 to +5 sequence of the motif or group of motifs in case split_group was not selected.
  • num_motifs: Number of motif in the group.
  • meth_freq: Methylation frequency (out of non anbiguous calls).

Bash command line usage

Command line help


# Load local bashrc and activate virtual environment
source ~/.bashrc
workon NanopolishComp

NanopolishComp Freq_meth_calculate --help
usage: NanopolishComp Freq_meth_calculate [-h] [-i INPUT_FN]
                                          [-b OUTPUT_BED_FN]
                                          [-t OUTPUT_TSV_FN] [-d MIN_DEPTH]
                                          [-f FASTA_INDEX] [-s SAMPLE_ID]
                                          [--min_llr MIN_LLR] [-v | -q]

Calculate methylation frequency at genomic CpG sites from the output of
nanopolish call-methylation

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity
  -q, --quiet           Reduce verbosity

Input/Output options:
  -i INPUT_FN, --input_fn INPUT_FN
                        Path to a nanopolish call_methylation tsv output file.
                        If not specified read from std input
  -b OUTPUT_BED_FN, --output_bed_fn OUTPUT_BED_FN
                        Path to write a summary result file in BED format
  -t OUTPUT_TSV_FN, --output_tsv_fn OUTPUT_TSV_FN
                        Path to write an more extensive result report in TSV

Filtering options:
  -d MIN_DEPTH, --min_depth MIN_DEPTH
                        Minimal number of reads covering a site to be reported
                        (default: 10)

Other options:
  -f FASTA_INDEX, --fasta_index FASTA_INDEX
                        fasta index file obtained with samtools faidx.
                        Required for coordinate sorting
  -s SAMPLE_ID, --sample_id SAMPLE_ID
                        Sample ID to be used for the bed track header
                        (default: )
  --strand_specific     Output strand specific sites
  --min_llr MIN_LLR     Minimal log likelyhood ratio to consider a site
                        significantly methylated or unmethylated (default: 2)

Example usage

From an existing nanopolish call_methylation file output


# Load local bashrc and activate virtual environment
source ~/.bashrc
workon NanopolishComp

NanopolishComp Freq_meth_calculate --verbose -i data/freq_meth_calculate/methylation_calls.tsv -b ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.bed -t ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.tsv -s Sample1

head ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.bed
head ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.tsv
track name=Methylation_Sample1 itemRgb=On
chr-VIII    138415  138416  7224149695747901416 -3.200000   .   138415  138416  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    138429  138430  7224167352505884938 -4.722000   .   138429  138430  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    212351  212352  7296895538640012056 -4.125000   .   212351  212352  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    212392  212393  7296795904077105039 -1.866667   .   212392  212393  '100,100,100'
chr-VIII    212457  212461  7296716448666179190 -5.546667   .   212457  212461  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    212530  212531  7296001349967846549 -1.850833   .   212530  212531  '100,100,100'
chr-VIII    212581  212582  7295894148222946594 -2.307692   .   212581  212582  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    212596  212600  7295913066177928939 -5.900000   .   212596  212600  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    212612  212613  7295852528721985435 -3.675385   .   212612  212613  '8,121,207'
chromosome  start   end strand  site_id methylated_reads    unmethylated_reads  ambiguous_reads sequence    num_motifs  llr_list
chr-VIII    138415  138416  .   7224149695747901416 0   7   3   GGTCTCGCTTT 1   -5.51,-9.63,-2.23,0.53,-0.47,-5.44,-2.38,-5.64,-2.29,1.06
chr-VIII    138429  138430  .   7224167352505884938 0   8   2   AGCTTCGAGGA 1   -5.14,-3.64,-9.53,-8.07,-2.08,1.16,-5.42,-4.97,-9.1,-0.43
chr-VIII    212351  212352  .   7296895538640012056 0   8   4   TGGGGCGACAT 1   -9.1,-6.06,-3.14,0.53,-2.48,-11.61,0.17,-2.76,-3.4,-12.44,0.66,0.13
chr-VIII    212392  212393  .   7296795904077105039 1   5   6   ATTAACGTATA 1   0.21,-1.82,-6.91,-4.89,-1.92,3.09,-3.07,-1.12,1.83,-1.82,-2.98,-3.0
chr-VIII    212457  212461  .   7296716448666179190 0   8   4   AGAATCGTCGATTA  2   -3.48,0.08,-6.33,-0.33,-4.83,-13.56,-1.71,-10.95,-3.32,-12.85,-1.55,-7.73
chr-VIII    212530  212531  .   7296001349967846549 0   5   7   CTATTCGTTTC 1   -1.48,-1.42,-5.41,-2.82,-0.49,1.29,0.15,-2.73,-1.09,-1.11,-4.52,-2.58
chr-VIII    212581  212582  .   7295894148222946594 1   4   8   GTTACCGCAGG 1   0.87,-6.56,1.21,1.75,0.86,-0.03,7.31,-12.54,-0.77,-5.27,-18.42,0.23,1.36
chr-VIII    212596  212600  .   7295913066177928939 0   10  3   TTTGTCGTCGCTGT  2   -4.4,-8.76,-13.95,-0.94,1.11,-1.47,-5.42,-3.37,-7.38,-9.96,-13.14,-6.26,-2.76
chr-VIII    212612  212613  .   7295852528721985435 0   8   5   CACCCCGTTGG 1   0.97,-0.5,-7.73,-6.92,-3.65,-2.94,-9.09,-0.83,-7.41,0.14,1.11,-2.7,-8.23

## Options summary ##
    package_name: NanopolishComp
    package_version: 0.6.11
    timestamp: 2019-09-10 16:20:56.119314
    quiet: False
    verbose: True
    min_llr: 2
    strand_specific: False
    sample_id: Sample1
    min_depth: 10
    output_tsv_fn: ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.tsv
    output_bed_fn: ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.bed
    input_fn: data/freq_meth_calculate/methylation_calls.tsv
## Checking arguments ##
    Testing input file readability
    Check output file
        Output results in bed format
        Output results in tsv format
## Parsing methylation_calls file ##
    Starting to parse file Nanopolish methylation call file
    : 605248 lines [00:13, 44691.91 lines/s]
    Filtering out low coverage sites
    Processing valid sites found
        Write output file header
    : 100%|██████████| 804/804 [00:01<00:00, 474.31 sites/s]
## Results summary ##
    Total read lines: 605,248
    Valid read lines: 605,248
    Total sites: 229,389
    Low coverage sites: 228,585
    Valid sites: 1,608

Using a fasta index for output coordinates sorting and strand specific sites


# Load local bashrc and activate virtual environment
source ~/.bashrc
workon NanopolishComp

NanopolishComp Freq_meth_calculate --verbose --strand_specific -i data/freq_meth_calculate/methylation_calls.tsv -b ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.bed -t ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.tsv -s Sample1 -f data/freq_meth_calculate/ref.fa.fai

head ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.bed
head ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.tsv
track name=Methylation_Sample1 itemRgb=On
chr-VIII    213351  213352  -8023785553745245992    -0.500000   -   213351  213352  '100,100,100'
chr-VIII    213382  213386  -8023583102452360367    -5.103000   -   213382  213386  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    213427  213428  -8023686382448928188    0.504545    -   213427  213428  '100,100,100'
chr-VIII    213516  213517  -8022685139567842841    -2.447500   -   213516  213517  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    213536  213537  -8022798660204149733    -3.103333   -   213536  213537  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    213549  213550  -8022802421743098730    -2.724167   -   213549  213550  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    213645  213646  -8022541247023329610    -2.546667   -   213645  213646  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    213668  213669  -8022652358379081217    -3.728333   -   213668  213669  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    213729  213730  -8022716548847329270    -3.253846   -   213729  213730  '8,121,207'
chromosome  start   end strand  site_id methylated_reads    unmethylated_reads  ambiguous_reads sequence    num_motifs  llr_list
chr-VIII    213351  213352  -   -8023785553745245992    0   1   9   ACTAACGGGGA 1   -2.75,-0.46,1.48,-1.35,0.34,0.66,-1.58,-1.91,0.06,0.51
chr-VIII    213382  213386  -   -8023583102452360367    1   7   2   TTCTTCGCCGACTG  2   -7.94,3.23,-0.77,0.05,-9.8,-5.7,-11.29,-5.61,-4.64,-8.56
chr-VIII    213427  213428  -   -8023686382448928188    1   0   10  TTTCTCGCAAA 1   -0.28,0.35,-0.06,0.05,-0.11,2.63,-1.02,1.27,1.31,1.05,0.36
chr-VIII    213516  213517  -   -8022685139567842841    0   6   6   ACTTCCGTTGC 1   -2.01,-5.92,-0.28,-0.07,-0.59,0.87,-5.23,-0.84,-2.65,-7.24,0.47,-5.88
chr-VIII    213536  213537  -   -8022798660204149733    0   11  1   CATCTCGTAAA 1   -3.33,-2.35,-4.14,-2.21,-1.92,-2.04,-2.17,-4.34,-2.79,-3.75,-4.01,-4.19
chr-VIII    213549  213550  -   -8022802421743098730    1   7   4   GGATACGATAA 1   -3.3,-4.74,-0.15,-0.08,-4.84,-8.16,-3.61,2.21,-2.28,-1.69,-6.15,0.1
chr-VIII    213645  213646  -   -8022541247023329610    0   6   6   AAATTCGTCAT 1   -9.16,-0.83,1.66,0.58,-2.18,-5.19,-2.13,-5.99,-3.47,-1.88,-1.55,-0.42
chr-VIII    213668  213669  -   -8022652358379081217    0   8   4   CACAACGTTGG 1   -10.85,-2.37,0.81,-1.98,-4.37,-7.49,-2.94,-0.06,-4.53,-3.63,-0.61,-6.72
chr-VIII    213729  213730  -   -8022716548847329270    0   9   4   ATTTGCGAATA 1   -2.79,-4.55,1.21,-0.07,-6.66,-2.28,-7.42,-2.66,-1.86,-6.36,-5.87,0.39,-3.38

## Options summary ##
    package_name: NanopolishComp
    package_version: 0.6.11
    timestamp: 2019-09-10 16:21:51.314487
    quiet: False
    verbose: True
    min_llr: 2
    strand_specific: True
    sample_id: Sample1
    min_depth: 10
    output_tsv_fn: ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.tsv
    output_bed_fn: ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.bed
    fasta_index: data/freq_meth_calculate/ref.fa.fai
    input_fn: data/freq_meth_calculate/methylation_calls.tsv
## Checking arguments ##
    Testing input file readability
    Check output file
        Output results in bed format
        Output results in tsv format
## Parsing methylation_calls file ##
    Starting to parse file Nanopolish methylation call file
    : 605248 lines [00:14, 43139.23 lines/s]
    Filtering out low coverage sites
    Sorting by coordinates
    Processing valid sites found
        Write output file header
    : 100%|██████████| 999/999 [00:01<00:00, 668.32 sites/s]
## Results summary ##
    Total read lines: 605,248
    Valid read lines: 605,248
    Total sites: 340,081
    Low coverage sites: 339,082
    Valid sites: 1,998

# Load local bashrc and activate virtual environment
source ~/.bashrc
workon NanopolishComp

NanopolishComp Freq_meth_calculate --verbose -i data/freq_meth_calculate/methylation_calls.tsv -b ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.bed -t ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.tsv --min_depth 5 --min_llr 1

head ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.bed
head ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.tsv
track name=Methylation_ itemRgb=On
chr-I   4399    4400    1191264914885793541 -2.344000   .   4399    4400    '8,121,207'
chr-I   4534    4535    1191135011594914772 -3.033333   .   4534    4535    '8,121,207'
chr-I   4591    4592    1191022765062019525 -3.181667   .   4591    4592    '8,121,207'
chr-I   4654    4655    1192234775377888428 -1.055000   .   4654    4655    '8,121,207'
chr-I   1755    1756    1195840537597523385 -1.706000   .   1755    1756    '8,121,207'
chr-I   1782    1787    1195897291462470420 -2.776000   .   1782    1787    '8,121,207'
chr-I   1797    1798    1195752253807605775 -3.224000   .   1797    1798    '8,121,207'
chr-I   1814    1815    1195776216550583412 -2.454000   .   1814    1815    '8,121,207'
chr-I   1829    1830    1195792612111568111 -2.896000   .   1829    1830    '8,121,207'
chromosome  start   end strand  site_id methylated_reads    unmethylated_reads  ambiguous_reads sequence    num_motifs  llr_list
chr-I   4399    4400    .   1191264914885793541 1   3   1   CTTGCCGAATA 1   -3.17,-11.29,5.14,-1.8,-0.6
chr-I   4534    4535    .   1191135011594914772 0   5   1   TTATTCGTTTT 1   -3.31,0.02,-2.66,-5.82,-4.21,-2.22
chr-I   4591    4592    .   1191022765062019525 0   3   3   TCAAACGCTTG 1   -6.16,-0.6,0.28,-0.38,-6.02,-6.21
chr-I   4654    4655    .   1192234775377888428 1   4   1   TTAATCGACAA 1   -1.5,-0.67,-2.66,-2.94,-1.66,3.1
chr-I   1755    1756    .   1195840537597523385 1   2   2   TTGTTCGTTAA 1   -3.37,-0.25,-0.17,-7.47,2.73
chr-I   1782    1787    .   1195897291462470420 0   5   0   AAACCCGTTCGTAAA 2   -2.2,-3.83,-1.37,-4.8,-1.68
chr-I   1797    1798    .   1195752253807605775 0   4   1   ATTGGCGTTTG 1   -1.45,-5.09,-2.17,-6.66,-0.75
chr-I   1814    1815    .   1195776216550583412 0   4   1   GTTTGCGATAG 1   -2.2,-4.1,-1.86,-0.4,-3.71
chr-I   1829    1830    .   1195792612111568111 0   4   1   GATACCGTCCT 1   -0.16,-5.78,-3.32,-4.0,-1.22

## Options summary ##
    package_name: NanopolishComp
    package_version: 0.6.11
    timestamp: 2019-09-10 16:22:23.393609
    quiet: False
    verbose: True
    min_llr: 1.0
    strand_specific: False
    min_depth: 5
    output_tsv_fn: ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.tsv
    output_bed_fn: ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.bed
    input_fn: data/freq_meth_calculate/methylation_calls.tsv
## Checking arguments ##
    Testing input file readability
    Check output file
        Output results in bed format
        Output results in tsv format
## Parsing methylation_calls file ##
    Starting to parse file Nanopolish methylation call file
    : 605248 lines [00:13, 45934.72 lines/s]
    Filtering out low coverage sites
    Processing valid sites found
        Write output file header
    : 100%|██████████| 18531/18531 [00:05<00:00, 3528.30 sites/s]
## Results summary ##
    Total read lines: 605,248
    Valid read lines: 605,248
    Total sites: 229,389
    Low coverage sites: 210,858
    Valid sites: 37,062

Python API usage

Import the package

# Import main program
from NanopolishComp.Freq_meth_calculate import Freq_meth_calculate

# Import helper functions
from NanopolishComp.common import jhelp, head

python API help



Calculate methylation frequency at genomic CpG sites from the output of nanopolish call-methylation

  • input_fn : str (required)

Path to a nanopolish call_methylation tsv output file

  • fasta_index : str (default = )

fasta index file obtained with samtools faidx. Required for coordinate sorting

  • output_bed_fn : str (default = )

Path to write a summary result file in BED format

  • output_tsv_fn : str (default = )

Path to write an more extensive result report in TSV format

  • min_depth : int (default = 10)

Minimal number of reads covering a site to be reported

  • sample_id : str (default = )

Sample ID to be used for the bed track header

  • strand_specific : bool (default = False)

If True, output strand specific sites

  • min_llr : float (default = 2)

Minimal log likelyhood ratio to consider a site significantly methylated or unmethylated

  • verbose : bool (default = False)

Increase verbosity

  • quiet : bool (default = False)

Reduce verbosity

Example usage

basic setting

f = Freq_meth_calculate(

## Options summary ##
    package_name: NanopolishComp
    package_version: 0.6.11
    timestamp: 2019-09-10 16:23:07.646062
    quiet: False
    verbose: True
    min_llr: 2
    strand_specific: False
    sample_id: Sample1
    min_depth: 10
    output_bed_fn: ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.bed
    input_fn: ./data/freq_meth_calculate/methylation_calls.tsv
## Checking arguments ##
    Testing input file readability
    Check output file
        Output results in bed format
## Parsing methylation_calls file ##
    Starting to parse file Nanopolish methylation call file
    : 605248 lines [00:15, 39476.23 lines/s]
    Filtering out low coverage sites
    Processing valid sites found
        Write output file header
    : 100%|██████████| 804/804 [00:01<00:00, 492.95 sites/s] 
## Results summary ##
    Total read lines: 605,248
    Valid read lines: 605,248
    Total sites: 229,389
    Low coverage sites: 228,585
    Valid sites: 1,608

track name=Methylation_Sample1 itemRgb=On
chr-VIII    138415  138416  -4387463463888030503    -3.200000   .   138415  138416  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    138429  138430  -4387486165434009317    -4.722000   .   138429  138430  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    212351  212352  -4459725007132593111    -4.125000   .   212351  212352  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    212392  212393  -4459458894565841458    -1.866667   .   212392  212393  '100,100,100'
chr-VIII    212457  212461  -4459540872370764953    -5.546667   .   212457  212461  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    212530  212531  -4460596494258779804    -1.850833   .   212530  212531  '100,100,100'
chr-VIII    212581  212582  -4460665860093715069    -2.307692   .   212581  212582  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    212596  212600  -4460684778048697414    -5.900000   .   212596  212600  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    212612  212613  -4460462807376904566    -3.675385   .   212612  212613  '8,121,207'

Using a fasta index for output coordinates sorting and strand specific sites

f = Freq_meth_calculate(

## Options summary ##
    package_name: NanopolishComp
    package_version: 0.6.11
    timestamp: 2019-09-10 16:23:56.781302
    quiet: False
    verbose: True
    min_llr: 2
    strand_specific: True
    sample_id: Sample1
    min_depth: 10
    output_bed_fn: ./output/freq_meth_calculate/out_freq_meth_calculate.bed
    fasta_index: ./data/freq_meth_calculate/ref.fa.fai
    input_fn: ./data/freq_meth_calculate/methylation_calls.tsv
## Checking arguments ##
    Testing input file readability
    Check output file
        Output results in bed format
## Parsing methylation_calls file ##
    Starting to parse file Nanopolish methylation call file
    : 605248 lines [00:15, 40181.70 lines/s]
    Filtering out low coverage sites
    Sorting by coordinates
    Processing valid sites found
        Write output file header
    : 100%|██████████| 999/999 [00:01<00:00, 637.85 sites/s] 
## Results summary ##
    Total read lines: 605,248
    Valid read lines: 605,248
    Total sites: 340,081
    Low coverage sites: 339,082
    Valid sites: 1,998

track name=Methylation_Sample1 itemRgb=On
chr-VIII    213351  213352  3852928671350919267 -0.500000   -   213351  213352  '100,100,100'
chr-VIII    213382  213386  3853101183011884366 -5.103000   -   213382  213386  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    213427  213428  3853155687118280343 0.504545    -   213427  213428  '100,100,100'
chr-VIII    213516  213517  3846995005950784724 -2.447500   -   213516  213517  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    213536  213537  3846697452562010016 -3.103333   -   213536  213537  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    213549  213550  3846721371280116041 -2.724167   -   213549  213550  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    213645  213646  3846832673276330665 -2.546667   -   213645  213646  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    213668  213669  3847166582036626108 -3.728333   -   213668  213669  '8,121,207'
chr-VIII    213729  213730  3846776908639343893 -3.253846   -   213729  213730  '8,121,207'
f = Freq_meth_calculate(

## Checking arguments ##
## Parsing methylation_calls file ##
    Starting to parse file Nanopolish methylation call file
    : 605248 lines [00:14, 40874.57 lines/s]
    Filtering out low coverage sites
    Processing valid sites found
    : 100%|██████████| 18531/18531 [00:05<00:00, 3458.71 sites/s]
## Results summary ##
    Total read lines: 605,248
    Valid read lines: 605,248
    Total sites: 229,389
    Low coverage sites: 210,858
    Valid sites: 37,062

chromosome start end  strand site_id              methylated_reads unmethylated_reads ambiguous_reads sequence        num_motifs llr_list                           
chr-I      4399  4400 .      -2730676911920365501 1                3                  1               CTTGCCGAATA     1          -3.17,-11.29,5.14,-1.8,-0.6        
chr-I      4534  4535 .      -2730544486235489086 0                5                  1               TTATTCGTTTT     1          -3.31,0.02,-2.66,-5.82,-4.21,-2.22 
chr-I      4591  4592 .      -2730596195312440829 0                3                  3               TCAAACGCTTG     1          -6.16,-0.6,0.28,-0.38,-6.02,-6.21  
chr-I      4654  4655 .      -2731644250018462742 1                4                  1               TTAATCGACAA     1          -1.5,-0.67,-2.66,-2.94,-1.66,3.1   
chr-I      1755  1756 .      -2725162958641511345 1                2                  2               TTGTTCGTTAA     1          -3.37,-0.25,-0.17,-7.47,2.73       
chr-I      1782  1787 .      -2725136473504536062 0                5                  0               AAACCCGTTCGTAAA 2          -2.2,-3.83,-1.37,-4.8,-1.68        
chr-I      1797  1798 .      -2724913241635744391 0                4                  1               ATTGGCGTTTG     1          -1.45,-5.09,-2.17,-6.66,-0.75      
chr-I      1814  1815 .      -2724934681984724382 0                4                  1               GTTTGCGATAG     1          -2.2,-4.1,-1.86,-0.4,-3.71         
chr-I      1829  1830 .      -2724872883331782055 0                4                  1               GATACCGTCCT     1          -0.16,-5.78,-3.32,-4.0,-1.22